Education on Paper by Iskojante

There is a clear difference when you say that you are educated than when you say you are educated based on a piece of paper which says that you are. Some people are simply obsessed with certificates and diplomas -- I know that because I was once like that.

Real education happens not in the mind. This I learned this the hard way when I was in the company of intellectually-gifted students. What was clear to me is that it doesn’t matter how high your IQ is when you cannot translate this to good relationships.

Real education happens in the heart. When you say are educated, then you are capable of suspending judgements against other people. When you are educated then you are able to see value in the presence of people around you. What good is a masters or a doctorate degree when everybody hates you? What is the value of having amassed so many certificates that may be attached to your resume when you cannot even accomplish simple tasks and produce results? I say boldly that learning that happens in the mind is fleeting and superficial. The mind tends to forget. But learning that happens in the hearts are those that we bring with us for our entire lifetime.

I still consider myself as a student even after having gone through graduate school and working full time. We are all students of the University of Life. This University, however, does not discriminate. It doesn’t matter whether you are young, “more senior”, whether your the more conservative type or you are extremely liberated. The common denominator is that you are aligned with the values that we are all inherently blessed with -- love, trust, acceptance,joy, forgiveness, etc. That, for me, is the true test of education.


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